
Dr. LaManna’s view is that acupuncture works by augmenting, unblocking, and focusing the patient’s own healing energy. Medical Acupuncture builds on traditional Chinese medicine by adding a Western energetic approach often with use of electrical stimulation to accelerate the healing process. Dr. LaManna hopes to offer Medical Acupuncture as an alternative to drugs and surgery for pain, and to drugs and “shots” for allergies. Medical Acupuncture is often helpful in dealing with psycho-emotional problems such as anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

Currently, Dr. LaManna uses a home-based office located in the southwest hills just west of OHSU. He is assisted with most treatments by his wife, Carole. Treatments require 45-60 minutes after the initial intake appointment and are relatively painless. Depending on the condition being treated, follow-up treatments may be necessary. Payment is fee-for-service; cost for initial intake is $140 and follow-up treatments are $80. Fees can be income/age adjusted. Treatments are by appointment only.